? 了解客户需求,协助客户选型。
? 提供自收货之日起计的90日保修期,保修期内的货物往返运费及包装由供需双方各自承担。
? 定期沟通,了解使用情况,引导客户优化设计。
? 定期组织技术交流,帮助客户提高应用及维护技能。
? 以优惠价格向客户供应配件。
? Understand the needs of customers, assist customers to select amongst all models.
? Provide 90 days warranty from the date of receipt. During the warranty period, delivery and packing charges shall be borne by the sender.
? Adequate communication, to understand the situation, to help customers optimize the design.
? Organize regular technical exchanges, to help customers improve the maintenance skills.
? Supply components to the customer at a preferential rate.